Selasa, 12 Mei 2020

Recipe: Delicious Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁

Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁.

Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁 You can cook Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁 using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁

  1. Prepare of Shrimp Seasoning.
  2. You need of few shrimps.
  3. Prepare 1 tsp of ShaoHing Wine.
  4. Prepare 1 dash of white pepper.
  5. Prepare of little salt.
  6. It's of 4-5 Eggs / Seasoning.
  7. You need of few drops of fish sauce.
  8. Prepare of Chives.
  9. Prepare dash of white pepper.
  10. It's 1 tsp of cornstarch mix with water mix 1:3 ratio.

Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁 instructions

  1. Ingredients ive cleaned the shrimps but u can use frozen ones too..
  2. Marinate the shrimp with seasonings and set aside. Now season the eggs and at the end add in watered cornstarch 1tsp.
  3. Mid high heat with oil sear shrimp for 30secs both sides then pour egg mix. Scoop from side to middle to make layers..
  4. When its 60% cooked SWITCH HEAT OFF and keep scooping until cooked as desire. I prefer the eggs around 90% cooked. Plate it, Serve Hot. Done..

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Recipe: Delicious Chinese Silky Scramble Eggs with Shrimp 滑蛋炒蝦仁
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