Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

How to Make Yummy Biscuit Pudding

Biscuit Pudding.

Biscuit Pudding You can have Biscuit Pudding using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Biscuit Pudding

  1. It's 1 packet of instant banana pudding.
  2. You need 600 ML of milk.
  3. You need 2 of fresh Bananas.
  4. It's of Biscuit.
  5. You need of Garnish.
  6. It's of Coconut powder.

Biscuit Pudding step by step

  1. Make pudding with 600 ml milk until it ready.
  2. Make layer with biscuit and banana in glass baking tray.
  3. Put hot pudding on top of biscuit layer. And then make biscuit layer again and repeat until finish.
  4. I add coconut powder as garnish on top.
  5. Bon appetit, with Turkish Tea.

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How to Make Yummy Biscuit Pudding
4/ 5


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