Jumat, 27 Desember 2019

Easiest Way to Cook Yummy My Katsu Sauce

My Katsu Sauce. Tonkatsu sauce make the deep fried pork cutlet taste much better, here's a recipe to make the Tonkatsu Sauce mainly consists of vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, prunes, dates, apples. My family loves it, and I like it better than a local restaurant's sauce. "This is a version of a sauce used for tonkatsu (pork) or chicken katsu. Katsu sauce or Tonkatsu sauce is basically Japanese-style BBQ sauce for fried meats.

My Katsu Sauce Tonkatsu sauce is super easy to make at home, especially if you can't find the popular store brand Tonkatsu sauce is labeled as a fruit and vegetable sauce, but all you need are four basic pantry. This is such an old video and it is obvious that we weren't as good in producing videos yet! I totally see how unorganized this. You can have My Katsu Sauce using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of My Katsu Sauce

  1. You need 1 of onion.
  2. It's 2 of dollops squeezy garlic.
  3. Prepare of Ginger.
  4. You need 2 tbsp of mild curry powder.
  5. It's 3/4 can of coconut milk.
  6. You need 250 ml of stock.
  7. Prepare 1.5 tsp of Soy sauce.
  8. You need 1 tbsp of brown sugar.
  9. It's 1/2 tsp of lemon juice.
  10. Prepare Pinch of tumeric.
  11. Prepare Teaspoon of any oil.

Tonkatsu sauce is a thick sauce served with tonkatsu, the Japanese pork cutlet. As I tried to down the rather dry and flavorless katsu, I was forced to dig deep into the bowels of my It was at this point that I vowed never go without my tonkatsu sauce ever again and decided to learn. This is my favorite katsu sauce. I learned how to make katsu when vacationing in Hawaii.

My Katsu Sauce instructions

  1. Add oil to the pan and add the onion, garlic, ginger, curry powder, tumeric.
  2. After 5 mins add the coconut milk, stock sugar and lemon juice. Add a drizzle of water too..
  3. Simmer on low for 15-20 minutes.

See and discover other items: katsu sauce, Vietnamese Sauces. Wagyu Katsu Sandwich is the English name for a dish called Gyukatsusando (牛カツサンド) in Japanese. Gyu literally means "beef" (as opposed to ton for "pork"), katsu is the Japanese. This homemade sauce is tangy and delicious. Tonkatsu is often served with shredded cabbage but we like it much better How to make Tonkatsu and Homemade Tonkatsu Sauce: For the Katsu Sauce My Baked Chicken Katsu is chicken cutlets, coated in panko and then baked.

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Easiest Way to Cook Yummy My Katsu Sauce
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